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Soto Insurance Agency

19317 N 10th St Suite B
Covington, LA 70433

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Why Your Neighbors Should Care If You Have Home Insurance

Home insurance benefits extend to individual homeowners and impact entire neighborhoods like those around Covington, LA. It’s not just nosiness that causes your neighbors to be concerned about whether you have home insurance – they have an investment in the value of their property and neighborhood and recognize the role insurance can play.

Property Values and Community Stability

Neighborhoods with higher home insurance coverage rates tend to maintain healthier property values. This stability benefits the entire community by preserving the attractiveness and value of properties. It has been proven that the more a community strives to maintain cleanliness and proper upkeep of their homes, the more residents are likely to contribute to maintaining these values.

Protection Against Liability

Home insurance covers not only the property owners but also provides a shield for neighbors from liability risks. For instance, if a homeowner’s negligence leads to damage to neighboring properties or causes injuries to others, liability coverage can help cover the incurred costs. This reduces the financial burden that might otherwise fall on the neighbors.

Safeguarding Against Neighborhood Risks

Comprehensive home insurance policies often cover risks such as theft, vandalism, and personal liability. As more neighbors get insured, the risk of crime and property damage decreases, thus fostering a safer neighborhood atmosphere.

Mitigating Financial Burdens

In instances of disaster affecting multiple homes, widespread insurance coverage ensures that affected homeowners recover without experiencing severe financial strain. This alleviates the potential burden on community resources and emergency services, promoting a faster and more coordinated recovery.

Promoting Responsible Homeownership

Having home insurance fosters responsible homeownership practices. Homeowners who are insured are more likely to invest in the maintenance of their property and take necessary safety precautions. This greatly benefits the overall aesthetics and safety of the overall neighborhood.

Soto Insurance Agency Helps Guide You

Soto Insurance Agency stands ready to guide you and show you how home insurance can save you money in the long run. Our dedicated team offers services within the Covington, LA, region. Feel free to get in touch with us today.

Does Car Insurance Cover Intentional Damage?

Louisiana motorists usually think about car accidents when they sign up for auto insurance. But what happens if someone decides to cause intentional harm to a vehicle? Depending on the circumstances and type of coverage, an insurance policy may or may not cover the damage.

What’s Covered?

Comprehensive auto insurance generally covers intentional vandalism committed by someone other than the vehicle’s owner. Likewise, you can make a claim if a criminal steals auto parts or damages your car in the process of breaking into it. After a crime occurs, be sure to protect the vehicle from weather damage and have it repaired quickly. Your policy might not cover rain damage caused by broken glass.

It’s essential to recognize that vandalism and theft-related damage aren’t covered if you only have basic liability or collision coverage. In addition to these criminal acts, comprehensive car insurance generally covers fires and some types of severe weather events. Your ability to file a claim may depend on the severity of the damage and the deductible amount that applies to your policy.

What’s Not Covered?

Usually, no type of car insurance covers intentional damage inflicted by a car’s owner, whether through vandalism or crashing the vehicle. In this situation, making a claim is also considered a form of fraud that could result in serious penalties. So, even if a car is frustratingly unreliable, hitting it with a sledgehammer or driving it into a tree is not the answer.

Soto Insurance Agency offers a variety of auto insurance options, including comprehensive plans with vandalism and theft coverage. Our independent agency has served the Covington, LA, area for more than a decade. We’ll take the time to help you find the ideal policy for your vehicle. To get started today, please call 985-900-2242 to contact Soto Insurance Agency.

Flood Insurance for Outdoor Structures

Over one in five Louisiana homes have a substantial flood risk, which is set to grow exponentially in the next thirty years. To this end, Covington, LA homeowners will want to ensure their flood insurance policies cover the home and outdoor structures on the property.

Flood Insurance: What’s Covered and Not Covered

Flood insurance compensates for flooding caused by storm surges, inland flooding, flash floods, and melted snow. It covers your home’s structure, appliances, and most personal belongings. For example, flood insurance will cover repair and replacement costs if a hurricane floods your home and damages the HVAC unit, plumbing, appliances, and furniture. However, it may not cover valuable personal items like antiques or heirlooms. It also doesn’t cover outdoor structures such as a pool, deck, fence, shed, or detached garage.

Flood Insurance Coverage for Outdoor Structures

Cleaning a pool and repairing or replacing outdoor structures can cost tens of thousands of dollars. For this reason, you’ll want to ensure they’re fully insured. While flood insurance doesn’t automatically cover these structures, you can talk to your insurer about coverage for outdoor structures on your property. Your insurance agency will likely send someone to your home to check and appraise the structures. You’ll then be presented with various policy options to choose the form of coverage that best fits your situation.

Call Soto Insurance Agency Today

Soto Insurance Agency has over ten years of experience helping homeowners in Covington, LA, choose home and flood insurance. Our team offers personalized assistance and expert advice to ensure every part of your home has the coverage it needs. Call us today to find out more or to get a price quote.

Four commercial insurance features business owners should know about

Business owners in Covington, LA, have a multitude of commercial insurance coverage options to consider for their ventures. We at Soto Insurance Agency offer a range of insurance coverage to cater to various business needs. Here are four key features of commercial insurance that every business owner should be aware of.

Business Interruption Coverage

Circumstances such as natural disasters or staff shortages can abruptly halt a business’s operations, significantly impacting profits. Business interruption coverage can shield you from such unforeseen scenarios, compensating for profit losses triggered by temporary halts in your company’s operations.

Professional Liability Coverage

Also referred to as errors and omissions insurance, professional liability coverage is integral to commercial insurance. It covers lawsuits stemming from negligence or errors, making it highly significant across many industries.

Cyber Liability Coverage

In this digital age, most companies store sensitive client and company data on computer networks. Cyber liability coverage is a safeguard against potential data breaches, offering compensation if your company suffers a data intrusion. This coverage can also cover costs linked to any cyberattack that damages valuable company computer equipment.

Equipment Breakdown Coverage

Equipment breakdown coverage is a must-have if your business depends on critical equipment for daily operations. This insurance can cover repair or replacement costs of your valuable machinery, reducing financial losses and minimizing operational downtime due to equipment failure.

If you’re looking for a commercial insurance policy in Covington, LA, reach out to us at Soto Insurance Agency. We can help you tailor the best coverage plan to meet your business’s unique needs.

Three Types of Coverage in Home Insurance Policies

Understanding the Importance of Home Insurance and Its Various Coverages

Home insurance provides various coverages aimed at offering extensive support when unfortunate incidents damage your dwelling. Holding a home insurance policy is essential. It shelters you from numerous potential risks associated with home ownership. At the Soto Insurance Agency in Covington, LA, we’re here to help you fully understand these coverages and secure your biggest asset – your home.

Dwelling Protection

The primary feature of home insurance is its coverage for the actual dwelling. It protects against a wide variety of damaging incidents, covering repair costs after your home has been damaged in an incident falling within the policy’s purview.

Items Protection

The valuables inside your home require insurance protection as well. Your home insurance policy covers the cost of replacements if your belongings are damaged or destroyed in a covered event. This coverage is essential considering the high cost of replacing household items.

Liability Protection

Home insurance extends to include coverage for potential liability arising from accidents on your property. This coverage pays for medical bills and other associated costs should someone have an accident at your home.

Obtain Comprehensive Home Insurance Protection

Every coverage aspect provided by home insurance is crucial. If you’re in Covington, LA, or the surrounding areas, and need to secure or update your home insurance, don’t hesitate to call us at the Soto Insurance Agency. Together, we can ensure that your home and everything within it is well-protected.

Staying Protected During Rental Car Use

At Soto Insurance Agency in Covington, LA, ensuring you are covered during every journey is our priority. When it comes to rental cars, being protected is key.

Here are some essential tips to consider:

  1. Review Your Existing Coverage: Check your current auto insurance policy. It might provide coverage for rental cars. Understanding your existing coverage helps you make informed decisions when renting a vehicle.

  2. Consider Rental Insurance Options: Insurance options frequently provide Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) coverage. Assess these choices carefully, taking note of potential overlaps with your current policy.

  3. Consider Credit Card Coverage: Some credit cards offer secondary insurance for rental cars if you pay with the card. However, the coverage might have limitations, so verify the terms beforehand.

  4. Understanding Liability Coverage: Liability coverage is crucial. Ensure your rental policy includes adequate liability coverage to protect against damages caused to others in case of an accident.

  5. Document Existing Damage: Before driving off, inspect the rental car thoroughly for any pre-existing damage. Document it through photos or notes and inform the rental company to avoid being held liable for previous issues.

  6. Avoid Unnecessary Extras: Be cautious of unnecessary add-ons or upgrades offered by the rental company. Carefully assess if these extras are worth the additional cost based on your existing coverage.

  7. Drive Responsibly: Safety is paramount. Adhering to traffic laws and driving responsibly not only protects you but also minimizes the risk of accidents and potential liabilities.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Ensure peace of mind during your rental car adventures in Covington, LA and nearby regions by considering these tips. At Soto Insurance Agency, we’re here to support you with comprehensive coverage tailored to your needs. Reach out to us today!

Flood Insurance and Federal Backing

When you are a homeowner, you need to make sure that you protect the investment you’ve made into your home. It’s usually a person’s largest asset, and it needs protection in case something were to happen to it. One way to do this is to get flood insurance. This is an essential type of policy that can protect you financially against a flood that damages your home and belongings. If you don’t already have a flood policy, you can call us at Soto Insurance Agency in Covington, LA to find out more. 

The National Flood Insurance Program

This is a program that has government backing and is guaranteed. This isn’t an entity that can go out of business. When a flood happens, this policy will be there to help. Many people are hesitant about getting flood insurance because they worry that companies can’t pay after a major disaster. However, flood insurance from this program is guaranteed. With federal funding and backing, you know it’ll be there for you if you need it. Because of its backing, the price of this insurance coverage is a set amount that is the same anywhere you go. 

Flood and Home Insurance

A lot of people don’t get a flood policy because they think their home insurance should take care of any disaster. However, this isn’t the case. When a home is flooded, home insurance generally excludes this from coverage. That’s why you need a separate flood policy for your home. You need this extra policy to cover the costs that come from flood damage in your home. Water can be very damaging to building materials. It can cost thousands to fix all the problems caused by a flood. Don’t be caught without coverage and be saddled with thousands, or tens of thousands, in damages. 

Get a Flood Policy

To get your flood insurance, you can call us at Soto Insurance Agency in Covington, LA to get started with a policy. 

Four steps to buying commercial insurance that you shouldn’t overlook

You’re making an important decision as a business owner when you select a commercial insurance policy. That’s why you need to make sure you’re carefully going through all the necessary steps when you insure your business in Covington, LA. At Soto Insurance Agency, we can help you through the process of choosing commercial insurance for your company.

The following are four key steps to go through when buying commercial insurance:

Researching coverage types

Business owners should know what the different types of commercial insurance are. You need to decide whether you need commercial auto, workers’ compensation, commercial property, or errors and omissions coverage depending on factors like the size and industry of your company. 

Making your business operations as safe as possible

Buying commercial insurance gives you a good opportunity to think about safety at your company and to develop ways to improve safety for your employees and customers. If you minimize risks for your company, you’ll probably find that commercial insurance providers are more eager to insure your company at a competitive rate. 

Analyzing your company’s finances when deciding on deductible amounts

It’s important that your company has enough cash available when you file an insurance claim to cover your deductible. When you decide which deductible amounts you want on your policy, consider the financial situation that your company is in. You need to accurately estimate how much you’ll have available for the deductible when you file a claim. 

Comparing the options offered by different insurance providers

Getting policy quotes is important when you buy commercial insurance. Request quotes from a few providers and carefully compare them before selecting a policy. 

Reach Out To Us

At Soto Insurance Agency, we can offer you a quote on a commercial insurance policy. Call us today and find the coverage you need for your company in Covington, LA. 

Do I need homeowners insurance even after my house is paid off?

Most people spend their lives expecting to pay a mortgage forever. If you are one of the people lucky enough to own your Covington, LA home free and clear, you may be wondering if you need to keep paying your homeowners insurance.

When you have a mortgage, your lender requires you to maintain insurance on your home to protect their investment. When your home is paid off, you no longer have that requirement. Soto Insurance Agency can help you look at your risks and options so you can make an informed decision.

Benefits of Homeowners Insurance

The insurance on your home didn’t just protect your lender, it also protected you. Here are the benefits you get from homeowners insurance:

  • Your house and property are protected from events such as fires or natural disasters like storms.
  • Your belongings, including your personal items and other content, such as appliances, curtains, and furniture, are protected.
  • If someone is injured while visiting, you have liability protection in the event of a lawsuit. You may have other liability protection if your children or pets damage something in the neighborhood.
  • If something happens to your home, and you need to relocate temporarily, your homeowners’ insurance will provide living and eating expenses.

Homeowners Insurance Is Not Required By Law

Even though there is no legal requirement, carrying insurance on your home can protect you and your family from financial disaster. Your Covington, LA home is likely your biggest investment, and you may be unable to recover from such a financial loss if you lose your home. Soto Insurance Agency can help you tailor your coverage so that you only carry what you think you really need. If you have any questions, please call today.

Four things to do when you buy auto insurance

If you’re in the market for auto insurance in Covington, LA, we can help you at Soto Insurance Agency. Our auto insurance offerings can ensure that you’re financially protected as a motorist.

It’s important that you do your research and take care of a few essential tasks when you buy insurance.

The following are four things to do when you buy auto insurance:

Understand auto insurance coverage options

Consumers need to make sure they know about the different types of coverage that an auto insurance policy can include. This way, they can decide which types of coverage to purchase and know exactly what they’re getting from their auto insurance policy. 

Research auto insurance providers in the area

Finding the right auto insurance provider is important. Consumers should evaluate the reputation and customer service of different insurance providers so that they can buy auto insurance. They can then choose an auto insurance provider that will be reliable and pleasant to work with. 

Think about different deductible options

Choosing a deductible amount is one of the biggest decisions a consumer needs to make when buying auto insurance. Consumers should be certain that they always have enough emergency funds on hand to cover their deductible if they get into an accident. 

Plan out a monthly budget that includes auto insurance costs

Vehicle owners need to be sure to make their auto insurance payments every month. Missing a payment could result in a lapsed auto insurance policy. 

Consumers should set out a budget that includes their auto insurance payment so that they know they’ll be able to afford upcoming insurance costs. 

Reach Out To Us

Get insured with our help at Soto Insurance Agency. Motorists in Covington, LA can get in touch with us to get a quote on an auto insurance policy. 

  • Aflac
  • Bankers Insurance Group
  • BTIS
  • Excalibur National Insurance
  • Foremost
  • LWCC
  • Midland National Life Insurance Company
  • National General
  • Safeco
  • Tapco

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